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How to Win in 2024 with Your Website

Jose Arriaga

Updated: Mar 1, 2024

Here is our checklist to help you win in 2024 with your website.

The start of a new year is a great time to review your website and how it performed over the past 12 months or since you last made changes. Your competitors are consistently on the hunt to gain leverage and your website is a vital component to not only compete, but dominate in the space you do business.

Top 10 Items to Help You Win in 2024

1. Your website must be mobile-friendly. You would think that this would not be a checklist item going into 2024. But surprisingly, many businesses still have not converted their website to a mobile friendly design which is steering customers away.

2. Create an App for your business or at least an app-like design within your website. Consumers appreciate the ease of downloading an app or direct-link onto their device's home screen and purchasing the products or services they love over and over.

3. Make sure that your website has an effective flow. Strategically place what is most important at the top of your website. Your customers shouldn't have to search too far for what they came to your website for.

4. Use Videos to increase purchase consideration. Let's face it, some people do not like to read. So, use a video to promote your products and services.

5. Make sure all of your website pages are indexed properly and that your SEO/keywords are setup for success. Google your website consistently to see where you rank.

6. Track your website's visitor analytics. The number of people visiting your website pages will be the writing on the wall you need to make cosmetic changes or add content. Do you know which of your website pages are visited the most?

7. Keep your website and branding "fresh." The look and feel of your website should be constantly upgraded. Existing customers will take notice and new customers will be impressed.

8. Make sure that you create Business pages for each Social Media platform and establish links to your website from each of them in your profile.

9. Post to your Social Media pages regularly using a direct link in your posts. Reach new and existing customers by engaging with them on the social platforms using direct links to your website in your posts. Data shows that Social Media users are now spending up to 11 hours per day on Social Media. So, promote your website where your customers are!

10. Consider using Sponsored Ads or Google Adwords to promote your website. Using paid ads will accelerate your website visits and increase your revenue.

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